Videos: My YouTube Series, Book Trailer & More

I like videos. I like making them; I like watching them, and I especially like sharing favorites with friends and family. Below you’ll discover a variety of short videos on food and body image issues by yours truly, and my book trailer by an award-winning videographer. Every video is quietly illuminating and absolutely free, but some are downright entrancing.

Body Compassion Video Series

If you want to transform your relationship with food and body, this five-part video series is for you. Discover what research scientists have already discovered – a little self-compassion goes a long way toward appreciating your body and the food you feed it, as well as significantly decreasing body dissatisfaction and shame.

The Self-Compassion Diet: Book Trailer

Before you count one more calorie, skip one more dessert, gulp down one more questionable diet drink, watch my book trailer by award-winning videographer Scott LaPierre. Learn about a kinder, gentler, more effective way to eat less, savor more and lighten up without dieting and without all the self-criticism, shame and self-loathing that goes along with it. 

Mindful Eating Trance

As you watch my premiere self-hypnosis video, the power of my positive suggestions and your unconscious mind make it easy, if not effortless, to start changing your eating habits for good. Watch this six-minute video once and discover the joy of mindful eating. Watch it over and again, and it’s only natural to get a handle on your eating without the impossible restriction and deprivation of dieting. 

Mindless Eating Trance

As counter-intuitive as it sounds, focusing on the everyday experience of mindless eating helps you eat more mindfully. Watch this 10-minute self-hypnosis video and you can expect to eat more slowly, with more pleasure and greater satisfaction. Watch it over and again, and there’s no predicting all the positive changes you’ll make. In the world of hypnosis, seeing is believing. Believe it or not, see for yourself what a difference this entrancing video makes. 

Why A Twinkie?

Got three minutes? If you’ve tried and failed to forbid yourself your favorite foods, open your mind to a happier, healthier alternative. Watch this oldie-but-goodie hypnosis video and find out why it makes good sense to have your cake and eat it, too. Just focus on the Twinkie, my voice, and your innate ability to indulge without overindulging.

Compassionate Outtake: Tara Brach

Interviewing my favorite meditation teachers and mindful authors gives me the inspiration I need to keep practicing what I preach. If you could use a little inspiration, watch this Compassionate Outtake with Tara Brach. In this video interview with the beloved author and meditation teacher, Brach shares insights on dealing with donuts and food cravings. For more Compassionate Outtakes, check out my YouTube channel.